
Notes for esp idf, cmake, make and kconfig

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make and Makefile

detailed tutorial:

target: prerequisites
<TAB> recipe
.PHONY = clean

Added the clean task as a phony task

main: library main
		@echo "linking main.o and library.o and generating binary"
		gcc -o library library.o main.o

main is the task name, and it is the default task. library and main are prerequisite tasks, need to be run before we can run this task. Since generating a binary needs .o files, so it will call the respective tasks which will generate .o files for the given .c files.

library: library.c
		@echo "compiling library.c into .object file"
		gcc -c library.c
main: main.c
		@echo "compiling main.c into .object file"
		gcc -c main.c

library and main tasks generates .o files, as we can see the command is gcc -c main.c

		@echo "cleaning build files"
		rm main.o library.o library

This task is called by make clean and cleans all the generated .o and binary files